Tuesday, January 1, 2019

It Begins!

Construction Begins on the Trailer Frame.

12/31/2018 - Trailer Purchased and Construction Begins...

I opted to use a Carry-On Trailer as my base Frame, I shopped around quite and bit and came to the conclusion that staring with an existing frame would be the easiest way to get started.

I am almost certain that before the end the trailer will end up being reinforced and probably a heavier duty axle will be added. But that is a conversation for another day.

All the joints above were being set with West Systems Marine Epoxy and Spax Hardware.

So this happened.... The Twisting of Little Aardvark...

When I initially created the plans it was sorta a build it as we go kinda thing… I decided to just cut all the wood pieces the same size… th...